Department of


Dr. Kalyani Bhola

Consultant Dermatology

The Department of Dermatology has all the facilities for the management of dermatological conditions. The brief highlights of the department are as follows:

  • Botox & Fillers
    Botox is injected into facial muscles that are hyperactive. This has the effect of putting the muscle into ‘hibernation’ for about 4 to 6 months, which causes a smoothing effect of the wrinkles that have been created by the muscle activity. It is also used to weaken the muscles that cause the face to pull downwards, thus giving a temporary lift. Filler is a crystal clear biodegradable natural substance. Fillers gives instant and long-lasting & natural beauty lift.
  • ChemicaI PeeIs
    Effective treatment modality for pimples, pigmentation (Blemishes) & age control.
  • Radio-frequency Treatment
    Advanced technology for removal of skin tags, warts, mole or any other growth on skin.
  • Acne / Acne Scar Treatment
    Specialized control of acne with medications, cryoslush & other skin care regimens. Post acne scars & pigmentation are also treated.
  • Microdermabrasion
    Diamond tipped dermabrasion to treat scars and pigmentary abnormalities.
  • Vitiligo (White Patches) Treatment
    The big social stigma is effectively treated here with medicines and different surgical options like grafting, tattooing etc.
  • Skin Polishing
  • Rejuvenation of dull, oily or leathery textured skin.
  • Hair Restoration & Hair Transplantation


Effective treatment options available for:

  • Baldness(Male & Female)
  • Patchy Loss of hair
  • Transplantation for complete loss of Hair.